Draco Malfoy the Amazing Boucing ... Rat? by Maya. (HP)
Silly title, absolutely brilliant and weepingly funny story, the rec for which I've stolen from foreverdirt. Long, het, involving a whole rat-to-boy character arc, with some slashy bits thrown in to amuse the reader. No big secret that this is Draco/Hermione. Not a pairing I've ever seen before, but this story proves that pairing can be utterly beside the point in the hands of a good writer. I mean, hello? Draco/Neville? And, like "Lust Over Pendle," this convinces me that Draco is so *completely* HP's version of Spike, in spirit if not in every detail. Swoon.
Watch for: The funky rat dance. The description of Draco in his bedsheet. The running joke of Seamus and his Prozac. And Draco's delightful post-rat takeover of the Gryffindor common room--it just gives me joy, great joy. (The blue jeans! The guitar! Eeeep!)
About a Dog by cesperanza. (DS) Slash, F/RayK. And wow--I didn't even intend it, but this is a theme rec thing. First, Draco turns into a rat, and here, Dief turns into a human.
Cesperanza stories don't really need to be recced. One should just be able to wave a hand negligently with the expectation that people will rustle off to read.
Today I also browsed the LJ of seperis
Overall, I kept waiting for a big surprise of writing, plot, or characterization, but it was sort of by-the-numbers. Not bad for that reason, but there was nothing distinctive to linger in the mind.
I have nothing particularly distinctive to say about it either. I'm not especially ambitious about making recs. I think this story's a kind of comfort fic--which is strange to say given its subject matter. But it's about the protective impulse. And it is *is* hurt/comfort, and since comfort always comes after hurt, it's often what a reader takes away from that genre of story. Or is that just me?
Just blathering now.