Watched this last night with S., who also hadn't seen it. I had managed to avoid all spoilers. However, I'd known from the general flavor of headers, non-spoily comments, fic requests, icons, etc, that there was some Spike/Faith interaction. When everyone started squeeing "Spaith!" I sighed and thought: how predictable. I didn't expect to get much out of it, because Faith: not really my gal.
Oh. My. Holy. CHRIST. I think S. and I made sounds pitched beyond the range of dogs for the duration of that entire scene. That long, long, amazingly *long* scene that I can't really talk about because the area of my brain in which that memory is stored is now only a melted, fused mass of circuitry, with a few tiny operational cells left gibbering to themselves.
Jesus. JESUS CHRIST. Could they *be* any cuter? Could Spike *be* any more edible? I want to suck him down like a popsicle, head-first all the way down to his pretty feet, crunch him and swallow his nice bones, devour him the way a big snake devours a small mammal, with my jaw unhinged.
Yes. Anyway. That's all I have to say.
Oh, and the rest of the ep was interesting too. I may even have thoughts on it later. No, wait--one more thought: XANDER! I gasped. I wailed. Several times. That charred what little was left of my cerebral cortext.
And now I understand that icon with Xander the eye-patched--or is he just squinting?--pirate: my fandom understands irony. Oh, man. Poor sweet guy.