Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

Isn't this day over yet?

Photoshop is the bundt cake that is kicking my ass. Can anyone help me? I mean, this is just one minor trick of many that I can't master, but still, I keep thinking that if I figure one thing out there will actually be a rule of logic that applies to other editing effects.

Ha ha ha ha.

So, check out this example. I'm trying to get the first effect shown--neon text--but with transparency, which is key. I get that you can't use that filter on text unless you rasterize. But when I rasterize and apply neon I get *nothing* like neon. The first example is actually a cut-and-paste, and I can only get that effect when I flatten an image consisting solely of text, and apply neon--but when I do, I lose transparency and get whatever background color I happen to have assigned. Also, there seems to be no real way to choose text color, as neon changes it.

In short: I hate Photoshop. The learning curve is Everestlike in its ability to daunt me, and I'm not generally stupid. And every time I try to be autodidactic about it, either through experimentation or study of help materials, I get intensely frustrated. A class might be one solution, but it's not going to happen anytime soon.

Meanwhile, carolyn_claire writes S/X!

::Anna crosses another name off her list, smirking, then calls her secretary and notes, "World domination through Project SX4-EVAH is proceeding on schedule, Maureen. Wanna take a java break?"::

Go read! Bestow kisses!

(*I don't really have a secretary. I mean, bwah! What a thought.)

We now break briefly to celebrate alcohol once again:

    Forget the café lattés, screw the raspberry iced tea
    A Malibu and Coke for you, a G & T for me
    Alcohol, your songs resolve like my life never will
    When someone else is picking up the bill
Barenaked Ladies understand me.

But really what I need right now are more Ibuprofen, some sharp cheddar, and Diet Coke.


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