Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

passing by soundlessly

In the last few days I've managed to drop my laptop off the top bunk and lose my voice to some kind of throat infection. So I really have been offline in more than one way.

Yesterday I made a trip to a funeral home here in Seattle, an affiliate to the one in Virginia that handled my mom's body; I had to sign a release for cremation.

I was accepted into a housing program for recently homeless and people who are also working on recovery (sobriety). I don't know how long it will be until a room opens up, so I call and check in with them every day, waiting for a vacancy.

I feed the gulls, I take cough syrup, I read. Today is spray day again at the shelter. A fumigation lock-out until about 4:00 p.m. In the morning's frazzle I left my cell phone and meds in my locker. I'm killing time until I can get back in and then I'll probably burrow into my bunk and sleep for a while.

Need to log off the library computer now, so this is just a passing hello.

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