Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

a deep, sheeplike pride

For an embarrassingly long time I didn't get the point of tags. People talked about them for three solid weeks and I would read, and read again, and seriously have NO comprehension what they were intended for. And everyone seemed very excited. I was of course too lazy to go read a FAQ or ask someone. But recently I had the eureka moment, and so I've fallen into step with the crowd and started tagging posts. I've only done through October or so, and I've been on LJ, er, three years, I think.... o.o So I'll be working on this tagging project for a while. And then they'll introduce a new feature that will render it obsolete yay!

I've got a few dozen tags made, but not many have enough posts attached yet to make browsing worthwhile; I'll put links up later. Somewhere. (They should give you a "list tags" option like "list interests" in User Info.)

Anyway. The SGA fic one is useful, more useful than my saved memories; the filter goes back to the first bit of scribbling I did. And now that I look, it's mostly scribbling, actually.

I also see that I have a lot of stuff under wittering. Shocking! Yeah. Some people might also find the hard stuff tag of interest--depression, meds, sobriety, penguins. I'm sure that both those categories will grow quite a bit as I tag back through my calendar.

I'm really just making this post so that I can show off the icon that monanotlisa made. As yin_again put it: Rodney Angsty!Santa! *fuzzy joy*

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