Anon-a-fic-a-thon-a hosted by dvswraatins, in which anonymous users post comment fic, mostly SGA, though one is a Jack/Daniel snippet with the immortal line: "Teal'c's a lot like Maggie. I mean, he's not a yellow baby, but he's silent and wise." So true.
helenish kills me by imagining hot Wraith!Crazy Rodney rescuing John from dishonor. Plus Radek with a taser. Yeah. (ETA: And then myalexandria kills me by writing this.)
And then there's resonant8's new story Quiet, which you've already read, because you're savvy and on the ball and it's Resonant. Right? It's also John and Rodney and hot, and has one of the best backstory explanations I've seen so far for John's mad bj skillz.