I've reached the nadir today. I called for a psych appointment just now; they had an opening tomorrow that I took. I don't have any real point in posting this. I'm just inert and I had to sit through a one-on-one with my manager for 45 minutes feeling like a block of wood. Which he was quite aware of. Painful.
My co-editor recently relocated desks and is now across from me. He's a seasoned, avuncular guy--I like him. But he's kind of a woe-is-me workaholic and now when I'm in a funk the discrepancy between us becomes more obvious, and I feel suffused with guilt every time I go to lunch, when he works through lunch at his desk. And comes in early. And works from home in the evenings. BASTARD.
I'm so going to lunch now though. Because I keep staring dully at things and doing nothing.
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