Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

Rodney/Radek: cheap, soft, frustration for devon

Rodney liked to style himself as one of the universe's creators, right up there with God and the Ancients, but for Radek, he was mostly the creator of frustration, with his arrogance and cheap shots and the not-so-soft snorts he'd come up behind you to deliver even when you were giving him 120% with your lunch still uneaten next to your keyboard. It was hard getting through a day without grabbing the insufferable man's lapels and giving him a good shaking or slapping a kiss on him to knock him dumb and breathless and leave him gaping, because kurva drát, he wanted to shut the man up for once, and if that meant taking one for the team, he was willing. Plus Radek surmised that all that swaggering conceit was a front for more and completely justified conceit, the dressing of a truly excellent fuck.
Tags: fic 2005, flashfic 2005, sga fic

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