Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

variation on a theme

The thesaurus offers lots of synonyms for "hard"--toilsome, tough, challenging--so maybe I can introduce some variety in my cut-tag lines. Because god knows these posts need some novelty, and the content itself is always the same. I'm bored, I'm going out of my mind, can't focus, can't think. Wah wah wah.

Is there anything more banal and inexcusable than sitting in a cubicle and whining about how you can't make yourself work?

I hate feeling like this. It's different from depression but just as useless.

Just now, for several moments, I stopped typing and stared at my monitor, and literally twiddled my thumbs. When I try to hone my attention to some task, my brain gets up and wanders off. Or slithers off, humping itself across the ground, dragging its brain-stem behind it.

This post is just a way to fill eight minutes and display a new icon.

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