I woke up nauseous and exhausted today, having never fallen asleep and having resolved not to take Ambien. Well, that was dumb. I stayed home from work and slept and slept. This is one of those dips in the graphic display of my life.
[edited to remove useless YSI links]
Meanwhile, I've been thinking again of products, generically speaking, that as a consumer I support. I open myself with benign goodwill to eye-rolling at the banality of it all. Pro:
* panty-liners
* deodorant
* ice cubes
* scissors
* lint-rollers
* shredders
* bubble bath
* baskets
* self-adhering envelopes
* extension cords
Things which frequently disappoint me:
* light-bulbs: designed to fail
* nail polish: gummy too soon
* lip balms: why are my lips MORE chapped?!
* air-fresheners: only if I want my air to smell like the flowery fields of HELL
I feel better for having gotten that out of my system.
Last night all I could think of was Rodney singing karaoke. I'm a weird human being.