TIP: Watch out.
In other news, I was lighting matches last night for no reason, as one does, and dropped one on my bare thigh, and then gave a comical girly scream and brushed it off before I could set myself on fire. Because thighs are flammable.
TIP: Take care of your thighs, and only light things on fire that are meant to flame.
I hope I don't mess with anyone's head, but I have to share my actor confusion. For a long time I couldn't visualize Michael Shanks's face because I always overlaid it with Ben Browder's. I've gotten over that, I think. But now I have a problem where I often envision David Deluise (Samantha's "Pete") instead of David Hewlett. IT'S SO ANNOYING. DH has a much more distinctive face, more animated and expressive, and far, far more lovely. This problem interferes with the satisfactory progress of sex scenes.
TIP: Do not go now and find a photo of David Deluise. Why would you do that to yourself? It might be catching.