My weekend has partially sucked and partially not sucked. The not-sucking part largely has to do with watching Alias with sherrold. I want to do a whole long post about that, but I don't have the vim at the moment. That's unrelated to the show; that's just me. I'm blah right now and wish I wasn't. I'm behind on accomplishing things I need to do.
And on the whole I really don't have a lot else to say here.
For those of you following the obsession, a poll. Note, you can choose more than one, though if you choose all of them I'll of course just be back where I started and have no way to decide what to do next.
What type of laughably cliched J/V story should I write next?
(OMC = Original Male Character)
I am still just playing and scribbling, because thoughts on a longer more ambitious writing project haven't cohered. I'm just letting those thoughts drift around. After watching the last several episodes of S4, I immediately felt the urge to take all the amazing characters and give them a thorough, dignified, serious treatment that respects all their depths and facets and canonical interrelationships. And then I blocked that from my mind and wrote porn, for many reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture.
I think I may need some kind of cake or muffin or something.