And then someone I work with sent me a Share the Love discount for the S4 Buffy DVD collection being released in June. And for whatever reason that was the final straw I needed to finally go DVD. Yes, today I ordered all four seasons of Buffy and now I have until June to actually get a DVD player. Ahem.
Among the many cool and hilarious things I've read today are the following: thing one, the close-captioning of "terrorist" government signs, and thing two, the story of a blimp. I laughed myself sick over both of them.
Also, ros_fod posted a self-introduction which makes a fun meme, and she said nice things about me that made me shygirly and blushy, and funny things in general that made me grin.
Somehow I have collected on my work desk a pink plastic slinky, a clothespin-mouthed paper holder in the form of an Egyptian pharaoh, and a vacant-eyed visa photo of my ex co-worker Z. What's the opposite of attrition? The slow encroachment, the creep of minutiae....