Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

damn all alarm clocks

Had a dream this morning set in thebratqueen's Protocol universe where Angel is having sex with Wes and afterwards Wes asks: why did you call out "Bat"? Not accusingly but curiously. And Angel says, "Damn him." And confesses that it refers to Spike, aka Bat-Boy, and then recounts a bit of their history back before Spike got his soul, where Angel was giving a commencement address and Spike planted three pounds of C4 under the dais and then left, heading upstairs toward the roof of the big mansion they were in, and how Angel found the explosives and got on the paging system and called out Spike, calling him Bat-Boy and telling him he failed, with everyone still in the auditorium, and of course (Angel says to Wes), Spike turned around and came right back down, pissed as hell, and walked right into the auditorium where they had it out in front of the whole audience, Angel implying that this is so very Spike, personal safety be damned if it's a matter of pride and a round of fisticuffs with one's mortal enemy is called for.

And then I woke up. I must have gotten the commencement address from the bit of West Wing I saw the other day, where President Bartlett speaks to Zoe's graduating class.

It wasn't even my real alarm clock that woke me up, it was my mental one that wakes me pointlessly, too early, at the same time every day. I'm going back to bed now for a bit longer. Jeez.

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