Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

beware the cougar

I'm back. Car crash, blizzard, missed connection, turbulent near-death landing in Minneapolis, vomiting--all behind me. Fortunately, not all those things happened to me. Some of them just happened in my vicinity. But I'm not going to talk about all that. I'm also going to restrain myself from transcribing the lengthy monologue of the flight attendant who sat across from me last night and sermonized to my seatmates about the phenomenon of lightning strikes to jets ("A fireball just rolls right down the aisle"), and the time a plane she was in got struck by a meteor, and the details of passenger vomiting she'd witnessed, and the time she got food poisoining in Japan, and the best way to avoid being mauled by a cougar, and also a bear, depending on the type of bear of course, though perhaps the most mind-deadening stretch of conversation was when she pulled out a bag from the overhead compartment and showed us her shopping purchases. I only wish I was making all of that up.

It wasn't as bad a trip as it sounds. I missed my laptop a lot, a lot, a lot, and spent two and a half hours downstairs this morning having it fixed, but the work they did had the side-benefits of stripping off the annoying adware I'd unintentionally downloaded a few weeks ago and finally giving me the drivers I need for my DVD player to work. So that's cool.

I've skimmed my friends list at maximum warp. Have not watched Angel yet. Came home and collapsed at the *precise* moment Smallville was starting--amazing--watched it in a haze of semi-indifference, then taped Angel and went to bed.

Massive amounts of work. That's what I have to do today. And tomorrow. And, if I can stand it, this weekend. So I'm just taking these five minutes to say: I'm back, I'm boring, and I'm brutally porn-deprived. Hello.

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    Just posting to wave hello, I'm alive, I'm maintaining. I haven't been online; mostly, I've been pacing out daily routines, or holding onto the rope…

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    The week to two-week placement I'm currently in has turned into a potentially long-term month-to-month opportunity, and I accepted the offer this…

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