It wasn't as bad a trip as it sounds. I missed my laptop a lot, a lot, a lot, and spent two and a half hours downstairs this morning having it fixed, but the work they did had the side-benefits of stripping off the annoying adware I'd unintentionally downloaded a few weeks ago and finally giving me the drivers I need for my DVD player to work. So that's cool.
I've skimmed my friends list at maximum warp. Have not watched Angel yet. Came home and collapsed at the *precise* moment Smallville was starting--amazing--watched it in a haze of semi-indifference, then taped Angel and went to bed.
Massive amounts of work. That's what I have to do today. And tomorrow. And, if I can stand it, this weekend. So I'm just taking these five minutes to say: I'm back, I'm boring, and I'm brutally porn-deprived. Hello.