Wes in "The Vision Thing" with the glasses and the hair and that dark shirt--he's like the beautiful bastard love child of Kyan and Ted.
Er...no. I didn't just say that.
Meanwhile, I've been having Wes/Spike thoughts. Images. Disjointed narratives of hotness. Can I ask for Wes/Spike recs? Am I being too greedy and grabby this morning?
I realized this morning that I don't have--to my knowledge--a single person on my LJ list who's a current, active Sentinel fan. I think there's maybe one or two people who are watching the show on SciFi, and others for whom it's a reserve fandom (not dead, just resting), but no one writing, vidding, and giving day-to-day squee. I think I'm okay with this, but I'm curious as to whether Sentinel fandom and LJ just never overlapped/meshed, or if there are Sentinel fans on LJ and they're just off clumped together somewhere in a place I've never stumbled across. Hmm.
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