Anna S. (eliade) wrote,
Anna S.

I. Hate. The. F/X. Web. Site. So. Much.

I have always hated their web site and I hate it more every time I go there. I simply want to go view the Nip/Tuck page to see when, other than tonight, they air it, and they won't even let you see their frickin' page unless you have Flash 6.0, so I click their link to DL, and it tells me I've installed it successfully, and I go back, and F/X doesn't recognize that I have it in my browser. And I can do that over and over and over and over....

Whoever designed their site is an asshat. Is, like, the *tophat* of asshats.

Does anyone know the weekly airdates for the show? I'm pretty sure they show it again once or twice.


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