Listening to the score to Forrest Gump while watching Pet Sematary 2 changes the tone of the movie in weird ways. A woman climbing the stairs to her death becomes infused with joyous anticipation. Drill attacks, exploding gobbets of flesh, putrid melting faces, all turn strangely poignant. I discovered I could watch the most horrifying things with mild interest and a sleepy, Ozlike calm. Huh.
Edward Furlong is a scary little fucker. Someday we may discover that he supplemented his Hollywood career with a sideline in serial killing.
Oh, and by the way, did you know there is a movie called Porn 'n Chicken? And that it's based on a true story?
The whole KFC 'n QAF evening spent with friends the other night was trendy, I guess, though we didn't know it at the time. But honestly, porn and chicken...that's just not right. Naming it for what it is makes me vaguely queasy. I am going to veto any more chicken. Besides, porn 'n pizza is at least alliterative.